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inconnect does not have a free version and does not offer a free trial. inconnect paid version starts at US$1.00/month.
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inconnect Reviews
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All inconnect Reviews
- Industry: Information Technology & Services
- Company size: 5,001–10,000 Employees
- Used Daily for 2+ years
Review Source
Excellent omnichannel platform
Easy implementation and simple maintenance. It does not require a lot of technical knowledge, real-time reports. A multitude of APIs ... in general it is an excellent software
Price, product quality, commercial attention, support
Nothing, it is a product that continues to evolve over the years, fully recommended
- Industry: Marketing & Advertising
- Company size: 201–500 Employees
- Used Daily for 2+ years
Review Source
A very complete product, but very difficult to configure
Good inconming interaction managementOmnichannelBots
Very difficult to configure. You are forced to ask the hotline to help you for topics that are very simple with other products like Vocalcom or Nixxis.Hotline is slow to respond
- Industry: Telecommunications
- Company size: 11–50 Employees
- Used Monthly for Free Trial
Review Source
A good runner up in a very competitive market
A very good experience, but an extra hand in the deployment proccess can be apreciated
The developer teams are very good, this guys can integrate anything to anyone
Maybe they need more presence in they objetive markets like America
Reasons for Switching to inconnect
I dont choice inConcert, just used the free trial a couple months- Used Weekly for 2+ years
Review Source
is a very nice software to adminstrations very intuitive
the benefit are great because the business are happy to increase the contact and makes campaign of telesales or give support. the contactation growup like 50% with this software
the easy way to configure everything on the campaigns (inboud and outbound) chat, blendinng call, outbound engine etc
the support is very deficient the are good but the are to slow to answer to the issues that you explain
- Industry: Information Services
- Company size: 5,001–10,000 Employees
- Used Daily for 6-12 months
Review Source
Performs very well, very good features, outstanding customer service.
Excellent product at a good price.
1 .- We are getting better results in our operation than with our previous system.
2 .- The system is evolving rapidly and incorporating new features that we can really use.
3 .- The system is reliable, and well designed. Intuitive and easy to use.
3 .- The service is just great. They really understand the need to work side by side with their clients in order to drive customer satisfaction up. This is specially important during the adoption process.
They have their own way of doing things. Most of the time their service is great, but sometimes we need information or support that could be considered very basic, but for some reason is hard to get with inConcert. In certain specific situations (very rare), they could be very rigid.
Review Source
Very performant and omnichannel
Is a very good software, flexible, open, friendly, that helps your productivity. Cloud or in your server. Includes everything!
- Industry: Financial Services
- Company size: 51–200 Employees
- Used Daily for 1+ year
Review Source
Experiencia InConcert
Una experiencia de facilidad y comodidad para interactuar y supervisar los canales de atención.
La atención de soporte por los canales de comunicación, la funcionalidad de la plataforma en la integración de los canales de atención, el análisis de la información que se tiene en cuenta para la reportería, el apoyo de los representantes de InConcert.
Hay novedades de alta complejidad que se escalan muchas veces sin tener avances ni un seguimiento que brinde información sobre la solución.
- Industry: Primary/Secondary Education
- Company size: 501–1,000 Employees
- Used Daily for 1-5 months
Review Source
Buena herramienta y profesionales. Mejorable SLAs servicio técnico
Buenas herramienta con buenos profesionales, aunque está fallando la atención del servicio técnico y tiempo de entrega para desarrollos
Potencial de la herramienta, detección de buzones, omnicanalidad
Configuración de campañas y Whatsapp poco sencilla
- Industry: Marketing & Advertising
- Company size: 51–200 Employees
- Used Daily for 1-5 months
Review Source
Experiencia muy buena, resolución rápida y eficaz de incidencias. Área de mejora: cambios de números que caen en spam se realizan con demasiada demora.
Lo productivos que son los agentes en el tiempo que están conectados.
La poca visibilidad de algunos datos a través de los reportes disponibles.
- Industry: Higher Education
- Company size: 51–200 Employees
- Used Daily for 6-12 months
Review Source
Poco a poco
Al principio desinformación,demasiadas incidencias con cualquier cambio que se van solucionando
Chat agentes masivo que nos facilita el trabajo a la hora de hacerle comunicaciónes al grupo
No poder pasar la llamada a un agente de otro plan distinto al que están ellos
- Industry: Professional Training & Coaching
- Company size: 51–200 Employees
- Used Daily for 6-12 months
Review Source
Neutra. Tanto aspectos positivos como negativos.
Visualización de perfil supervisor muy completo.
Gran cantidad de lotes que no se pueden ir unificando.
- Industry: E-Learning
- Company size: 201–500 Employees
- Used Daily for 1-5 months
Review Source
OCC Inconcert
Omnicanalidad. Facilidad uso de los agentes.
Servicio de soporte.
Tiempo de espera para resolver dudas
- Industry: Retail
- Company size: 1,001–5,000 Employees
- Used Daily for 2+ years
Review Source
inConcert, idispensable para el marketing omnicanalidad
Es realmente granular, lo que permite generar un esquema muy personalizado, básicamente se adapta a cualquier tipo de negocio.
Como siempre, la granularidad genera complejidad para la implementación, aunque una vez superado esta etapa, es todo valor agregado.
- Industry: Telecommunications
- Company size: 2–10 Employees
- Used Daily for 2+ years
Review Source
InConcert Contact Center
La posibilidad de tener un control sobre el trabajo de los agentes del contact center, envío de mensajes, escuchas y estabilidad de la herramienta.
Se queda muchas veces pillado el usuario y toca expulsar al agente, es complicado encontrar los informes a no ser que lleves mucho tiempo con la herramienta y sepas nombre de informe, no es muy intuitivo para realizar cambios en campañas/servicios, si borras un usuario borras las grabaciones asociadas al mismo, por lo demás, todo correcto.